We cooperate with other Free Methodist congregations in the Indianapolis area to support and creatively develop urban ministry and new urban churches within this urbanized area. We call this effort "Mission Indy." We are challenged to share Good News with the diverse people groups who reside in our city. As Jesus wept for Jerusalem, so our hearts break for Indianapolis; we seek it's "shalom" (Jeremiah 29:Free Methodist congregations in the urban area gather for a Sunday evening each quarter to encourage and develop this dimension of our mission.
We cooperate with other Free Methodist congregations in the Indianapolis area to support and creatively develop urban ministry and new urban churches within this urbanized area. We call this effort "Mission Indy." We are challenged to share Good News with the diverse people groups who reside in our city. As Jesus wept for Jerusalem, so our hearts break for Indianapolis; we seek it's "shalom" (Jeremiah 29:Free Methodist congregations in the urban area gather for a Sunday evening each quarter to encourage and develop this dimension of our mission.
We cooperate with the 68 Free Methodist Churches in the Wabash Conference to encourage church planting and outreach throughout the region. We support this by our giving for missions and prayer.
Since our inception 90 years ago, West Morris Church has been responding with financial support and personal involvement in world missions. This is what Free Methodist Church founder B. T. Roberts called "spreading Scriptural holiness throughout these lands."
We encourage all who participate in our local congregation to support accountable outreach and development efforts in other parts of the world through prayer and financial giving. Our global reach comes under the auspices of Free Methodist World Missions. This includes the Free Methodist International Child Sponsorship program. Several West Morris Street members have responded to a personal call to be missionaries and serve in places like Hungary, Bangladesh, and Mexico.
Additionally, once a year we send a VISA Team of volunteers to work for about 10 days on a missions project overseas. Individuals get a meaningful first-hand experience of life and ministry in other world areas as they work side-by-side with full-time missionaries.
We invite you to pray with us for God's saving love to reach and transform lives around the globe and in our own communities.
Some West Morris individuals and families support children in developing world areas through International Child Care Ministries, a service of Free Methodist World Missions. $30 per month (about the cost of 4 fast food meals) sponsors a child's living expenses and education in a Free Methodist youth hostel, offering a great opportunity for successful living in their respective nation.

Joel and Janette are from the Midwest--Janette from Michigan, Joel from Indiana. They both completed medical school and residencies in Indianapolis. They attended WEMO during these years of professional training. Joel also served as the physician at Horizon House, a homeless day center in downtown Indianapolis. Upon appointment to Mexico by Free Methodist World Missions, they moved to Mexico City and set up a medical clinic.
Michael and Maria Long
- In Greece
Kay Stotts
- in Chile
Since our inception 90 years ago, West Morris Church has been responding with financial support and personal involvement in world missions. This is what Free Methodist Church founder B. T. Roberts called "spreading Scriptural holiness throughout these lands."
We encourage all who participate in our local congregation to support accountable outreach and development efforts in other parts of the world through prayer and financial giving. Our global reach comes under the auspices of Free Methodist World Missions. This includes the Free Methodist International Child Sponsorship program. Several West Morris Street members have responded to a personal call to be missionaries and serve in places like Hungary, Bangladesh, and Mexico.
Additionally, once a year we send a VISA Team of volunteers to work for about 10 days on a missions project overseas. Individuals get a meaningful first-hand experience of life and ministry in other world areas as they work side-by-side with full-time missionaries.
We invite you to pray with us for God's saving love to reach and transform lives around the globe and in our own communities.

A team of West Morris Church volunteers labor and reach out overseas each year.
VISA is a short-term mission service initiative. Volunteers In Service Abroad (VISA) is self-supported by participating VISA Team members. West Morris has been organizing and sending VISA Teams around the world almost annually for many years.
By 2025, more than 25% of the world's population will be poor and living in the urban squatter settlements of the Two-Thirds World.
There are more than 100,000,000 street children in today's "world class cities"-25% of whom both work and sleep on the streets.
Over 80% of all Muslims have never heard the Gospel, but regard the Bible and Jesus as holy.
The Free Methodist Church is currently planting a church in Baghdad, Iraq.
Half of the world's population are poor and almost 30% are malnourished.
Over 80% of the world's young people-1.4 billion-are growing up in non-Christian settings or non-Christian homes.
The Free Methodist Church has a goal of mobilizing 300 new missionaries by 2010. Are you one?
Free Methodist ministry is taking place in 69 countries. Since the beginning of 2004, gospel ministry has begun in Nepal, Romania, and Sri Lanka
You can make a difference with your prayer, giving, and going--through West Morris Church
Let it begin here…with you
Giving Options
The following are some options for supporting world and home missions. Please find a way that works for you and begin today to be in mission through West Morris Church.
Annual Covenant
A number of our participants make an Annual Covenant for local, building fund, and missions giving. This combines your tithe (for local church budget support) with giving to retire our facility improvement mortgage and missions. Calculate your tithe and designated offerings over the course of a year as your "Annual Covenant to Give." Then, contribute this amount through manageable weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly installments, marking your offering envelope accordingly.
Occasional Offering
Some of our participants decide to tithe (10% of one's income) consistently, giving to missions in response to special offerings as need arises. You are welcome to support in this manner, but planned, consistent giving typically results in the ability to give more abundantly.
This is an option that challenges adults to make a commitment to give $5 a week for world and home missions and to pray 5 minutes a day for Free Methodist missionaries. It challenges children to give 5 coins a week for missions and to pray for 5 missionaries.
International Child Care Sponsorship
$30 a month supports children in Free Methodist missions around the world. This is great for individuals, families, and small groups.
Beyond Giving
PRAY FOR MISSIONARIES - Pray that God will give them perseverance and grace to fulfill His call in their lives, love people compassionately, communicate effectively across cultures, bless their ministry, and give them wisdom with their children.
GO VISA – Participate on a short term mission trip.
CORRESPOND WITH MISSIONARIES - Missionary addresses are available at the church office. Corresponding with a missionary can not only be an encouragement to them, but a blessing to you.